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Saturday, 19 October 2013

Sovereign Documents

The Benefits Of Being A Sovereign Free Doc's Below

The Best Things in life are Free 

Download Here   Sovereign Citizens Movement Report.
Download Here   Overview Of Constitutional Crisis1.
Download Here   Freemen Sovereign Citizens by Robert Kent.
Download Here   FBI Sovereign Citizens Report.
Download Here   DIY Sovereign Citizenship.

The Text below is courtesy of Discharge Debt   a united states based website. All people lucky enough not to reside in the USA, please look for relevant legal information that suits your country of origin. If you have any useful documents, media or any information in regards to sovereign citizenship in your area please forward any information you have HERE!

Wake A Zombie Up This Halloween

Instead of gorging yourself on beer, and toxic candy. Use Halloween to wake people up. We are all the answer, we are going to make the changes in this world, don't wait from orders from headquarters. Use every opportunity in your life to wake people up so we can live in liberty and prosperity.

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Facts About Alien Life Forms

Facts About Alien Life Forms

  • FACT 1 : In July 1947, the U.S. Army Air Forces announced that they had recovered a flying saucer that crashed near Roswell Air Army Field in New Mexico. Within hours, however, the Army dismissed the statement, claiming the flying saucer was a misidentified weather balloon.
  • FACT 2 : Since 1947, the U.S. government has changed its explanation of the Roswell crash four times. It remains one of the most a controversial, highly publicized UFO incidents in history. At least among the sixtyseven people who actually believe that shit.
  • FACT 3  : U.S. citizens are not legally permitted to come into contact with extraterrestrials or their vehicles, according to Title 14, section 1211 of the Code of Federal Regulations, implemented in 1969. Does that include sex? What if you weren't aware of the law at the time? Mary Bennett and David Percy, Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle-Blowers (Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001).
  • FACT 4  : Pine Bush, New York is known as the UFO capital of the East Coast, as many residents believe that extraterrestrials have been frequenting their town for the last decade. A support group was founded there in 1993 for locals who believe they’ve had encounters with these aliens. ”Hi, my name’s Leo and I’m an alien shagger.
  • FACT 5 : Ten percent of Americans claim they have seen a ghost. They probably just saw one of
    the Olsen twins or Joan Rivers. John E. Mack and others, Unusual Personal Experiences: An Analysis of the Data from Three National Surveys Conducted by the Roper Organization (Bigelow Holding Corp., 1992).
  • FACT 6 : Guests at the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana should be prepared to see ghosts, a piano that plays itself, an oil portrait that becomes animated, and other unexplained phenomena. The bed and breakfast is among America’s most haunted houses. By its own PR
    staff, in a thinly veiled attempt to drum up business.
  • FACT 7 : The Tower of London is said to be full of ghosts, including that of the Countess of Salisbury, who, according to legend, was hacked to death by her pursuing executioner as she tried to escape. Some claim that spirits reenact the grisly 16th century event on Tower Green. If any place in the world has ghosts, the Tower of London is it.
  • FACT 8 : Some residents of Taos, New Mexico report hearing a constant, low-frequency hum in the desert air. Some believe the Taos Hum is caused by unusual acoustics; others suspect a secret, sinister purpose. The exact source of the hum is undetermined. People who hear the hum are called Taos Hummers, which is also the name of a local gentlemen’s club.
  • FACT 9 : On February ii, 1859, thousands of small fish rained over the village of Mountain Ash in South Wales, one of several recorded instances of live fish falling from the sky. Live until they hit the ground, that is.
  • FACT 10 : In January 1877, thousands of dark brown snakes inexplicably covered Memphis, Tennessee for several days after a violent storm. Their origin was never determined. I’m guessing their origin was all the outhouses that got turned over in the storm.

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Stamp Duty

How to pay your bills. Educational video not legal advice

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Whats in a name?

Why is a name important? Why do they always want our Name and Address?

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Know Your Rights

Light hearted entertainment about learning your rights. Not to be construed as legal advice.

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Born Identity

Educational video on Legal definition of Birth Not to be construed as legal advice.

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Queensland Birth Documents

How to obtain your source documents in Queensland

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Bill Court

Lesson on how to respond to Legal threats. For entertainment only, not to be construed as legal advice.

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Tricks of the Trade

Replying to letters of demand. For your entertainment, not to be construed as legal advice.

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Rebutting Presumptions

Rebutting Presumptions of the law, Standing up for your inherent rights.

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Who am I

A video describing your legal rights as an individual.

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Dont get Court


A video about your legal rites!

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Tricks of the Trade

Replying to letters of demand. For your entertainment, not to be construed as legal advice.

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Bill Turner

Bill Turner

It's always interesting to see what people are up to around the world fighting the good fight against claims of ownership and authority made against them.

Here's Bill Turner from New Zealand putting forward his own version of Commercial Redemption NZ-style. The Kiwis seem to have to have their own commercial system apart from the UCC (the PPSR - Personal Property Securities Register) but overall there are more similarities to the US and UK systems than differences.

Come with me if you want to be free!
by Bill Turner
September 17,2010

The sun no longer shines, not like in days gone by. The moon hangs low over a listless ocean where the tides are always out. We are in a land of the unforgiving. An icy wind chills to the depths of the soul. We have time enough to spend, for eternity is ours if we fail in our task. We will be driven like dogs, lifeless shadows in the dark, as our foes hunt us, seeking to find their mark. The roads to freedom will be forever closed, awash in the blood of the few brave souls who would not submit to the nation state. There will be no love. There will be no joy. The world shall turn grey. Freedom does not have to end this way.

Give me the sounds of rolling dice, big V-twins, screams in the dark of night. Liberty is what we make it to be. It is ‘we the people’ or so I heard. While I am alive, while I am here, I will be a force to fear. Those that seek to destroy freedom will come to despise all that I am. No salt? Are you kidding me? Rim my margarita with some tasty sodium, while I await my medium rare, well marbled steak. I’m going to drive my crew cab V-8 truck as fast as I can while dieting on Jack Daniels and chocolate. I don’t smoke, but I just might start. Why? Because I am free, at least for now. Spark one up during dinner, under the no smoking sign, put my feet on the table and ask the folks next to me to pass the wine.

There is no doubt that my behavior will shock the masses, as for years they have brainwashed our kids in public school classes. Teach the children well, while we drive America straight to hell. The fight has been framed in terms of left and right and is just not so. Our battle is one of personal liberty or a nanny state. Do I have the right to drink, fight, eat poorly and drive fast or does the government have the right to tell me not to drink, what to eat, to act with dignity and class while driving my hybrid not so fast? Responsibility is the issue. Am I responsible for me or is the government responsible and I do not get to be free?

I prefer to be left alone, not ruled by some king on his lofty throne. My argument is simple and clear, "Freedom is my sacred right". The king feels I don’t have a right. Wanting to be free makes me a madman, a traitor, someone to be locked out of sight so the king can proclaim, "He never existed. You’re just wasting your time". The king isn’t about to let you in on his dime. Freedom is a threat to those who want to rule, so they call you names and say you are a fool. They know what is best, you see, and will not let you be free. Do as you are told, they will say, locking up someone each and every day. Fear is how they will rise to power and once there, they will not come down from the lofty tower.

The decision we face today is one of great simplicity, can you take care of yourself? And, if you have children, can you care for them too? If the answer to these questions is "no" then you should look deep within yourself and find the things that are keeping you from managing and functioning on your own. Why is it you need others to tell you how to live? If the answer is "yes" and you can care for yourself, for your children, say it loud, "I’m and adult and I’m proud". We have become slaves, beholden to the plantation elites:
* We work half the year to pay taxes.
* We are told what to eat (no salt, no trans fats).
* We are told how to live (No smoking, including your yard & home).
* We are given government entitlements (unemployment, welfare, food stamps, healthcare, and so much more) to keep us docile and beholden to the slave masters, our government.
* We are taught, in public school, to be beta personalities, and our competitive drive is taken from us. Why? So we do not strive for more.
* We are being bred out of existence through planned parenthood and eugenics. Our masters tell us "choice" is what it is about, but choice is only applicable to those dependent upon entitlements. Planned Parenthood is not about choice, it is about removing from society those who exist within the lower socio-economic climate. Color is irrelevant. Status and finances are all that matter.

Left. Right. Democrats. Republicans. Independents. Libertarians. All of us must come together to save our freedom. When Barack Obama and the others speak of "social justice" and "collective salvation" they speak of it for those within the elite class. Mr. President & his wife have had twelve vacations, too many parties to count and expect us, you and I, to believe that they want what is best for us. Wrong. They want us to fall under the spell of the elite. Wealth will be redistributed, from the working class to the elite.

The Democrats have never been for the worker or minorities. The Democratic party is a mere tool to oppress those who will not open their minds to what is happening around them.

The Republican party is no better. They give you the illusion of belonging, of having an opportunity to join the club, but how many of you really belong? How many of you are just "hangers on" but not really in the inner circle?

Both parties are scared. The Democrats are scared because they see people shrinking away from them, having gotten a glimpse behind the curtain and not liking the robots running the machines. The Republicans are frightened because the Tea Party movement is producing candidates that are not financially beholden to special interests and cannot be controlled. Both parties are afraid of candidates who believe in this magical document, the Constitution, and who believe it is the tool by which America should be governed. Not only is a blow to their massive egos, they cannot fathom people with ethics, who want to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do.

At the end of the day, we are all Americans.

November 2, 2010 is a new independence day. To be free, to throw of the chains that bind and gag, do not vote a party line, vote for freedom. Cast your ballot for the candidate that wants small government and personal choice, no matter what party they are from. Character counts. Our politicians need to understand this and I believe we must remind them. On October 27th, 2010 I would like to see all free people in America fill the streets at 8:00am and stay there until noon, no matter where you live, no matter what time zone you are in. Take four hours out of your life to block traffic, lock arms and stand for freedom. Whether you sing "God Bless America" or "This Land Is Your Land" it does not matter. What does matter is that we frame this election in the terms it should be framed in: Free Americans v. Establishment Elite.

As the sun rises November 3, 2010 it will be the dawn of a new America. Smoke will hang in the air like the specter of death over the battlefield, and the sun will shine. But, will it burn bright with the fires of liberty as we play in the fields of freedom, or will it illuminate a victory for those who seek to consume the masses, drawing us into the nation state?

Come with me if you want to be free!

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Banking Demystified

Video presentation on securities and how they work for educational purposes.

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Friday, 18 October 2013

The Thorium Conspiracy Stuff They Don't Want You to Know

Nuclear power is found throughout the world, and the vast majority of nuclear reactors run on uranium. Uranium has several drawbacks, and disasters such as the meltdowns at Fukushima and Chernobyl stand as powerful examples of the potentially catastrophic risks posed by nuclear power. 

But, according to numerous sources, there's an alternative to uranium. Though thorium isn't perfect, it's more plentiful and arguably safer than uranium. So why aren't we using it? Check out this Stuff They Don't Want You To Know video and learn more about thorium, nuclear power and conspiracy theories.

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Apocalypse Conspiracy 2013

Planned and executed by shadowy multi-generational fascists bent on world domination and genocidal depopulation, the wars surrounding Israel and Nuclear Armageddon are being scripted to cast in stone a totalitarian one world government for the western and European oligarchy, and elite bankster class. The film paints a very bleak picture of the state of world affairs with few glimmers of hope, however viable options are presented, and the brutal truth is revealed on such issues as Syria, Iran, Russia, China, DPRK, Missile Defense, Depleted Uranium Munitions, Israel and Palestine, past and current wars, Economic Slavery, and the march to Nuclear Winter.

The balance of M.A.D. is more precarious than it was during the Cuban missile crisis, with preemptive nuclear war doctrine on the table, doomsday seed vaults and D.U.M.B.'s, NATO encroachment in post soviet satellite states, and antimissile shield elements chipping away at Russian and Sino- nuclear deterrence. The global war on terror is an obvious facade to the not so secret agenda of world hegemony and domination by western and European elites. UK through NATO and American military surrogates make clear the war planning is ultimately global in nature and it is clear that Russia, China, and all countries not fully under the forced depopulation and debt slavery N.W.O. system will ultimately be targeted.

To clarify, this video does not predict apocalyptic wars, heinous 9/11 scale false flag terror attacks, civil war, genocidal ramping up of the depopulation agenda, or total collapse for 2013 specifically, (however probable); 2013 is in the title because that was the compilation date as well as most of the content revolves around war scenarios coalescing in 2013. The subject content is very relevant for the summer of 2013 and beyond, as we see the WW3 triggers being pulled with reckless abandon on the diplomatic, covert, and military provocation side of world affairs. According to Pentagon war planning the current war agendas are fore-casted out as far as 2025, and by then they plan on basically having conquered every nation on Earth, great or small, nuclear armed or not. (Killing in the name of peace of course) As many of you know, they are well on their way in that aim already, (one world government) with UN, NATO, USA, and other puppet powers war efforts, however the chances of total one world government coming to fruition without hellish nuclear war being triggered is about as bleak a prospect as a snowballs chance in Hell. Ending this march to oblivion is of paramount importance and is the main goal of the video; having awakened to the apocalypse conspiracy, it is up to viewers to do whatever they can to stop this slow march to Hell on Earth.

Imminent threats in proxy war fronts, Terror drills and false flag warning dates coming and going without incident, red lines being crossed and then redrawn; none of this is a reason to dismiss the cleptocracy's plans to carry out another 9/11 style mass casualty false flag terror attack, genocidally depopulate the planet with bio and chemical weapons mass casualty attacks, and wage hellish global thermonuclear war. These threats will remain indefinitely until the treasonous actors are routed out of positions of power across the globe completely and permanently.

Re: comments about depopulation; its Gods will?; they've changed the bible and used it as a war script. Faith and believing in God is one thing but expecting him to save us is weak, whether you believe in God or not is irrelevant if you ask me, we all need to expose evil and fight it for our very survival.

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Fema Camps no longer just a conspiracy theory

All readers out there should first beware and familiar with the term 'Hidden In Plain Sight'. And how this applies to the United Nations is simple. Because I believe that the United Nation plays a part in all of this. The United Nations main purpAll readers out there should first beware and familiar with the term 'Hidden In Plain Sight'. And how this applies to the United Nations is simple. Because I believe that the United Nation plays a part in all of this. The United Nations main purpose is probably to be the centerpiece of the coming World Government that will control nearly of aspect of the global population. For years their military strength has grown as they are now increasingly tasked with upholding law and order in conflicts around the world. Just do a simple research into the U.N and prove to yourself that this is or isn't the case. The U.N. is the governing body of The New World Order and Hidden In Plain Sight. And in all this, for Americans in this case. Fema Camps will play its part.

Because US Fema Camps are no longer just a conspiracy theory! They are now confirmed and also it is confirmed what they are for. The leaked document outlines how military assets will be used to "help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order" in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.

The primary function of military assets will be focused around, "breaking up unauthorized gatherings and by patrolling the disturbance area to prevent the commission of lawless acts," states the document, adding, "during operations to restore order, military forces may present a show of force, establish roadblocks, break up crowds, employ crowd control agents, patrol, serve as security forces or reserves, and perform other operations as required.

The manual also describes how prisoners will be processed through temporary internment camps under the guidance of U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations, which as we reported earlier this year, outlines how internees would be "re-educated" into developing an "appreciation of U.S. policies" while detained in prison camps inside the United States.ose is probably to be the centerpiece of the coming World Government that will control nearly of aspect of the global population. For years their military strength has grown as they are now increasingly tasked with upholding law and order in conflicts around the world. Just do a simple research into the U.N and prove to yourself that this is or isn't the case. The U.N. is the governing body of The New World Order and Hidden In Plain Sight. And in all this, for Americans in this case. Fema Camps will play its part.

Because US Fema Camps are no longer just a conspiracy theory! They are now confirmed and also it is confirmed what they are for. The leaked document outlines how military assets will be used to "help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order" in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.

The primary function of military assets will be focused around, "breaking up unauthorized gatherings and by patrolling the disturbance area to prevent the commission of lawless acts," states the document, adding, "during operations to restore order, military forces may present a show of force, establish roadblocks, break up crowds, employ crowd control agents, patrol, serve as security forces or reserves, and perform other operations as required.

The manual also describes how prisoners will be processed through temporary internment camps under the guidance of U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations, which as we reported earlier this year, outlines how internees would be "re-educated" into developing an "appreciation of U.S. policies" while detained in prison camps inside the United States.

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Shutdown, Default and Global Economic Conspiracy with Pye Ian

Shutdown, Default and Global Economic Conspiracy with Pye Ian

Government shutdown truth and the scarier possibility of a US Debt Default, plus hyperinflation and the currency conspiracy are all discussed with economic expert analyst, Pye Ian. While economic news is usually caught up in political platitudes and careful avoidance of the corruption that dominates global commerce, Ian discusses the stark truths and glossed-over parts that are the heart of the economic inequality in the world and how the puppet masters have fixed the game to always come out on top in this Buzzsaw interview hosted by Sean Stone.

Pye Ian graduated from the University of Cambridge with an MBA in Strategic Planning and International Business, and the University of California with a BA in Economics and Political Science. He has sat on the boards of or advised multiple nonprofit and philanthropic organizations in the education, viable economics, energy and foreign affairs realms.

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The Greatest CONSPIRACY ever known

We can defeat the Greatest conspiracy with Knowledge. If the American people know what is in the darkness we will not fall. They depend on our ignorance of their conspiracy. They are deceiving us with this conspiracy to control us all. Please tell everyone about this conspiracy. Our lives depend on getting the word out. We have no power but unity and that by knowledge. All we have to do is tell everyone about this conspiracy, show them this video. We must NOT elect their presidents. Get out and campaign for RON PAUL. We must get rid of the Federal reserve bank. If you do not know about Ron Paul and the federal reserve bank conspiracy to enslave us, please begin researching this now. We have no time left. Please help everyone know whats happening.

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The 25 Most Popular Conspiracy Theories

We humans love drama. We love it so much that whenever we find it our initial reaction is to immediately tell someone, and if we don't find any we make it up and tell someone anyway. Besides, what would the world be without UFO's falling from the sky, shadow governments watching our ever move, and big brother trying to keep you down. These are the 25 most popular conspiracy theories out there.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Alex Jones High Def Playlist


Alex Jones and his team of Infowars reporters are breaking down the electronic Berlin Wall of media control by reaching millions of people around the world - with more waking up every day.
Circumventing the dying dinosaur media systems of information suppression, Infowars and the Alex Jones Channel are a beacon of truth in a maelstrom of lies and deception.
You have found the tip of the spear in alternative media - Infowars is on the front lines in the battle to reclaim our rights, dignity and our destiny by exposing the control freaks who seek to turn the globe into a prison planet.

Following the April 15 bombings at the Boston Marathon, radio host Alex Jones was quick to suggest the attacks may have been a "false flag" operation staged by the U.S. government. Jones' reaction is far from surprising; he has made a career out of pushing outlandish conspiracy theories.
Among other conspiracies, Jones has blamed the U.S. government for perpetrating, coordinating, or otherwise being involved in the 9-11 attacks, the Aurora movie theater shooting, the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. But despite Jones' well-known history, he is regularly validated by conservative media figures, politicians, and prominent activists that frequent his program, as well as by right-wing websites that promote his work and mainstream outlets that host him on their networks.
In recent years, former Rep. Ron Paul and current Sen. Rand Paul; Fox News figures Lou Dobbs and Andrew Napolitano; gun activists Ted Nugent and Larry Pratt; and climate misinformer Marc Morano have all repeatedly appeared on Jones' show. His immensely popular website Infowars is also frequently promoted by conservative websites like The Drudge Report.
Shortly following the April 15 Boston attacks, Jones tweeted that "our hearts go out to those that are hurt or killed," but added that "this thing stinks to high heaven" and suggested it was a "false flag" operation.
On a special webcast of his show that aired the night of April 15, Jones elaborated on his suggestion, saying, "You saw them stage Fast and Furious. Folks, they staged Aurora, they staged Sandy Hook. The evidence is just overwhelming. And that's why I'm so desperate and freaked out. This is not fun, you know, getting up here telling you this. Somebody's got to tell you the truth."
As Jones uses yet another national tragedy to push baseless, absurd conspiracy theories, it's worth asking whether there's anything he can say or do to lead media figures, politicians and activists to stop validating him

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Alex Jones personal favorite Videos from his YouTube Channell

A wicked collection of Alex Jones personal fav videos Yippie!!!

Alex Jones and his team of Infowars reporters are breaking down the electronic Berlin Wall of media control by reaching millions of people around the world - with more waking up every day.
Circumventing the dying dinosaur media systems of information suppression, Infowars and the Alex Jones Channel are a beacon of truth in a maelstrom of lies and deception.
You have found the tip of the spear in alternative media - Infowars is on the front lines in the battle to reclaim our rights, dignity and our destiny by exposing the control freaks who seek to turn the globe into a prison planet.

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