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Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Disclose.tv: Louis Theroux Ultra Zionists

The Magnetic Memory Method.

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thumbnail Louis Theroux Ultra Zionists
Apr 30th 2014, 16:42

see this and share with the world save a life, save the humanity did you know most diseases can be eliminated? the doctors don't know that the medical establishment don't want you to know about it see this http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2014/03/can-all-cancer-be-cured-in-... and than see this if you truly care about your health Every year thousands of people collapse and die from running and sport activities because of lack of minerals, especially copper, which the heart needs desperately for proper functioning ... if women take only one mineral = selenium = breast cancer would be eliminated in 95% of women ... the doctors ignorance is criminal ! And the healthcare in this country is getting worst! The following videos are a must watch for everyone: https://archive.org/details/Dr.JoelWallachDeadlyRecipesYouTube1 https://archive.org/details/Dr.JoelWallachDeadDoctorsDontLiefullVersionY... https://archive.org/details/HellsKitchenByDr.JoelWallachDr.MaLan https://archive.org/details/TheRevolutionAgainstMedicalTryannyWithDr.Joe... Ayurveda - Art of Being https://archive.org/details/Ayurveda-ArtOfBeingfullDoc. https://archive.org/details/DrLeonardColdwellWithoutCancerTruthConnectio... https://archive.org/details/JimHumbleAboutCancerAndAllDiseaseCure https://archive.org/details/ThereIsCureForCancer https://archive.org/details/InterviewDr.LeonardColdwellCancerAndMoreHeal... http://www.drleonardcoldwell.com

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