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Wednesday, 22 February 2017

$3,000 IRA bonus offer for you

Earn up to a $3,000 bonus when you open a Lending Club IRA
Earn up to a $3,000 bonus when you open and invest through a Lending Club IRA1
Hi Lending Club Member,
As tax-filing deadline nears, investors may be thinking about investing toward their retirement goals. If you are saving for your retirement, why not earn a bonus while you're at it?
You can earn up to a $3,000 bonus to boost your retirement. In order to earn this bonus open a Lending Club IRA and fund through an annual contribution, transfer from another IRA or roll over from a 401(k). The more you invest, the bigger the bonus you could receive:
bonus chart
With a Lending Club IRA, investors can build a portfolio that may offer these benefits:
Solid Returns: Average historical returns range from 5-7%2
Low Risk: 99% of investors who invest in 100+ Notes of relatively equal size have seen positive returns3
Monthly Cash Flow: Monthly interest and principal payments from 2-5%4
As always, our team is here to answer any questions you may have so please reach out to us by email at retire@lendingclub.com or by phone M-F 7am-5pm PT at 888-381-9309.
Open an IRA
Thank you for being a valuable part of our business.
Best regards,
The Lending Club Team
1 To be eligible for this bonus offer, you must click on the link in this email and follow these instructions. This offer is valid for either (a) new Lending Club IRA accounts that are opened and into which New Funds are deposited by April 30, 2017 and such New Funds are invested by June 30, 2017 or (b) existing Lending Club IRA accounts that deposit New Funds by April 30, 2017 and such New Funds are invested by June 30, 2017. For purposes of this offer, "New Funds" means the amount of increase in the Available Cash of an eligible IRA account (as displayed on the Summary account page) resulting from the transfer (in one or more transfers) of funds from an external bank account (i.e. excluding principal and interest received on Notes then held in such account, if applicable) (i) for existing Lending Club IRA accounts, from 11:59 PM on the date prior to Lending Club sending this email through the deposit deadline day listed above and (ii) for new Lending Club IRA accounts from the date of account registration through the deposit deadline day listed above. For purposes of this offer, "invest", "investment", or "investing" means funds have been used to purchase Notes through the Lending Club platform. Purchases of Notes on the Folio Investing Note Trading Platform** or any other secondary market do not qualify as investing. The amount of any bonus will be determined based on both the amount of New Funds transferred from external accounts before the deposit deadline day listed above and the amount of those New Funds invested by June 30, 2017. The account credit, if awarded, will be processed by August 31, 2017. Bonuses available: Transfer and invest $5,000 to $9,999 and get a $150 bonus to invest; transfer and invest $10,000 to $24,999 and get a $300 bonus to invest; transfer and invest $25,000 to $49,999 and get a $750 bonus to invest; transfer and invest $50,000 to $99,999 and get a $1,500 bonus to invest; transfer and invest $100,000 or more and get a $3,000 bonus to invest. Existing account balances will not be considered in determining eligibility for the amount of any bonus described in this offer. All bonuses are given as an account credit. All bonuses are for investment purposes only and will not be available for withdrawal or transfer from your Lending Club IRA account. Bonuses and account credits may be subject to U.S. withholding taxes and any taxes related to the bonus or credit are your responsibility. Maximum bonus is $3,000. Offer not valid for taxable accounts. One bonus per account. Bonus program may be changed or discontinued at any time without notice. Consult your tax professional regarding limits on contributions, depositing and rolling over qualified assets, and to determine whether an IRA may be the right choice for you. Lending Club does not provide investment advice, and the information presented here is not intended to be investment, tax, or legal advice.

2 5.12% - 7.78% solid returns as of September 30, 2016. To be included in the historical returns ("Historical Returns") calculation, a Note must have been originated prior to March 31, 2015. Historical Returns are Lending Club's adjusted net annualized returns ("Adjusted NAR") for Notes with Grades A through C. Adjusted NAR is calculated using the formula described here. It is based on actual borrower payments received each month, net of fees, actual charge offs, recoveries, and estimated future losses. To estimate future losses, we apply a loss rate estimate to the outstanding principal of any loans that are past-due but not charged off. The loss rate estimate is based on historical charge off rates by loan status over a 9-month period. Historical Returns are not intended as a promise of future results. Lending Club Notes are not insured or guaranteed and investors may have negative returns. Individual portfolio results may be impacted by, among other things, the size and diversity of the portfolio, the exposure to any single Note, borrower or group of Notes or borrowers, as well as macroeconomic conditions. Notes are offered by prospectus filed with the SEC and you should review the risks and uncertainties described in the prospectus prior to investing in the Notes.

3 As of September 30, 2016. Based on adjusted net annualized return (Adjusted NAR) of current investors with a portfolio containing 100+ Notes, none of which have been purchased or sold on the Folio Investing Note Trading Platform*, where the portfolio concentration is one percent or less (i.e. no Note constitutes greater than one percent of the total portfolio value) and the portfolio has a weighted average age of at least 12 months (weighted based on the dollar value of each Note relative to the total dollar value of the portfolio, where the age of each Note is measured as of the purchase date of such Note). Adjusted NAR is calculated using the formula described here. This information is not intended to be investment advice. Historical performance is not a guarantee of future results. Actual results may differ materially from historical data. Lending Club Notes are not guaranteed or insured, and investors may lose some or all of the principal invested. Individual portfolio results may be impacted by, among other things, the size and diversity of the portfolio, exposure to any single Note, Borrower, or group of Notes or Borrowers, as well as macroeconomic conditions.

** Folio Investments, Inc. ("Folio Investing") is a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA and SIPC and operates the Note Trading Platform. Folio Investing is based in McLean, VA and is not affiliated with Lending Club. Folio Investing has no role in the original issuance of the Notes and is not responsible for and does not approve, endorse, review, recommend or guarantee the Notes or the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of any data or information about the Notes. More information about Folio Investing is available at www.folioinvesting.com.

4 Lending Club retail investors have historically received 2.9% - 5.7% monthly cash flow, based on the 10-90th percentiles of retail investors' total monthly proceeds (scheduled principal & interest and additional payments, net of any charged off loans and fees) divided by the two-month trailing average account value that retail investors with at least $2,500 outstanding investment balances each month have experienced for the trailing twelve-month period ending September 30, 2016. Individual results may vary based on grade and term composition of your investment strategy. Historical performance is not a guarantee of future results. This information is not intended to be investment advice. Lending Club Notes are not guaranteed or insured, and investors may lose some or all of the principal invested. Notes are offered by prospectus filed with the SEC and you should review the risks and uncertainties described in the prospectus prior to investing. Actual results may vary.

danialcollyer@gmail.com is receiving this marketing-related message in association with an account registered at Lending Club and in accordance with its Terms of Use. Please click here to unsubscribe from future mailings.

Currently only residents of the following states may invest in Lending Club Notes: AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NV, NY, OK, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, or WY.

Lending Club Notes are issued pursuant to a prospectus on file with the SEC.

You should review the risks and uncertainties described in the prospectus related to your possible investment in the Notes.

Lending Club's mailing address is: Lending Club, 71 Stevenson, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94105.