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Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Arriving Prepared - Teacher Reference: STAPDA/8129463946G

Trinity Bay State High School
Dear Parent/Guardian

Student: Talisha Collyer

Subject: MAT071H ~ Mathematics

Dear Parents and Carers

I would like to introduce myself as your child's Mathematics and Science teacher. So far this year, I have noticed that the students have settled in well to high school life. It is certainly a huge adjustment for them and there are some students who are having some difficulty with establishing a new routine. Staff are very understanding of this and we are as supportive as possible during this transition time.

I believe that this is the age where young people need to begin to develop a level of independence, responsibility and organisational skills. Year 7 staff have been promoting the importance of students using their diaries on a daily basis to record key dates, homework and assignments. In addition, it is most important that all students arrive prepared for each and every lesson. Over recent weeks I have noticed that a significant number of students have not been bringing the necessary equipment to class, namely text books, exercise books and student diaries. In addition there are many students who do not yet have basic stationery such as red pens, rulers, pencils, erasers, glue and scissors.

I ask that you support your child from the home front and ask if they are prepared (bag packed) for the lessons they have the following day's timetable.

I am looking forward to a very busy and productive year of learning for the students of 7H.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Dale Staples

Mrs Dale Staples
Year 7 Maths/Science Teacher
Trinity Bay State High School
Hoare Street, Cairns 4870
Ph: 40 375 222

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