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Thursday, 2 February 2017

Danial Collyer, here is a quick RSS Ground interface overview

Danial Collyer,
This is a quick overview of RSS Ground interface. We tried to make it as easy as possible.

You will probably find most of the features quite intuitive. Therefore, we would like you to pay attention to some important details.

In this tab you will see your user information. Here you can change your login credentials. We don't change your name so we could always associate you with your own account. Some default settings are also available under this tab.
Here you will find all the tools: RSS Generators, RSS Converters, RSS Posters and some others. You may read a detailed instruction on how to operate each tool in our Knowledgebase. To start using a tool simply choose it from the drop-down menu. For any case study questions you may refer to F.A.Q., find the link in tool's header. All options have tooltips for further explanation.
We carefully save all of your output. You may refer to My Saves section to find all generated RSS feeds, converted code snippets, and created posting projects. Please do not delete your savings unless you won't need them at all. A deleted RSS feed will not show up in your code snippet and will not be posted in your posting projects. Some of the tools provide you with an option of giving a custom name to your data. So you may use Search option to find it in your saves.
We post some interesting and useful articles on Internet marketing, online business and self motivation topics. So you are very welcome to follow our blog. Use blog's RSS feed if it's more convenient for you. From time to time we publish some announcements regarding our service updates or good deals. To receive this information to your email, please subscribe for our Newsletter. So stay tuned.
Should you have any questions, need any assistance or require our help, please refer to Support tab. There you will find links to our Knowledgebase with detailed user manuals on how to operate the service, F.A.Q. regarding each tool and a link to Contact Us form. Please do not hesitate to contact our support, they will give you a hand whatever your question is.
Please enjoy RSS Ground service!
Max Galitsyn and
RSS Ground crew

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