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Friday, 3 February 2017

Starting an online course? Here’s how to get your first students

Take a look:

How to Get Your First 5, 50, or Even 500 Paying Students

It’s a free workshop by my friend, Danny Iny. Over the past two years, he’s sold millions of dollars of online courses. Even more than I have, I think.

And I have to say… he knows his stuff.

Not just the advanced tactics, either. He’s boiled the whole process down to a step-by-step system even a beginner can follow.

If you’re thinking about starting an online course, I highly recommend attending. As you can imagine, getting your first students is the hardest part of launching a course, and I think this workshop will leave you 100% better prepared than flying blind.



PS: They will be sending out a replay afterward, so no worries if you can’t make it - just be sure to sign up anyway to make sure you get the replay.

Talk soon,


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